Leftover Halloween Candy? These Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookies are perfect for those giant Reese's pumpkins.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Friday, November 3, 2017
October Shenanigans
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photo by Emily Kathryn Photography |
October was a whirlwind, it was hot with lots of warm wind and lots of fun activities. Despite such unseasonal weather we sure kicked off our fall season with lots of fun.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Our September
I sat down to organize another blog and looking back realized I hadn't done a post since August 20. Where did September go? It went by incredibly fast and here we are into October.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
End of Summer Shenanigans
It doesn't seem like it but nearly a month has gone by and I haven't updated my blog. Time flies when you are having so much fun. So I am going to close out the summer with this post as we start our back to school and fall season. (Pumpkin spice and Seattle Seahawk Football season)
air show,
baseball game,
train museum
Saturday, July 22, 2017
More Trains and Summer Fun
Another fun filled weeks of summer. We just can't get enough of trains, we try to beat the heat by swimming and we are having lots of fun outdoors.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Three Weeks of Friday Five
It has been forever since I posted so this is going to be jam packed. We finished June with a bang and then we greeted July with a 3rd birthday and some fireworks.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Friday 5: Getting this Summer Started
These last two weeks have been jam packed with lots of summer fun. Seems like we need a vacation from our vacation already. The weather has been beautiful and it has made our fun trips so enjoyable.
We went to the Santa Barbara Zoo again but this time Dad was able to join us. We were able to discover even more stuff because I had an extra set of hands helping me with the boys. Visited Everett the snow leopard this trip. We ended our visit with a train ride around the park, after wards they let Everett sit in the drivers seat. He loved that.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Friday Five: Beach Day, Potty Training, Monster, Food Truck and Running
Friday Fives are probably going to be a two week occurrence with summer. Sometimes we are crazy busy and other days we just stay home. It is easier for me to do this on a two week schedule, but let me catch you up on some big news!
We spent Memorial Day weekend at the beach with friends. It was so much fun. Everett loved being in the water and playing with the other kids. Miles just liked the sand. It was clearly easier to get photos of Miles, Everett was moving too fast to get any photos.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Friday 5: Catching up with Cinco De Mayo and Mother's Day
It has been two weeks, I'm late with my posts but sometimes it is just important to be in the moment/life and step away from some of the smaller responsibilities. I'll do my best to catch up on two weeks.
Friday, May 5, 2017
Friday 5: Star Wars, Zoo and Park Fun
May the Force be with you this week because it was with us. We had an outdoor week where we spent lots of time outside exploring new places and things.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Friday 5: End of April
We end the month of April on a high note, we did so much in the last seven days of the month. Dad was gone for work, the weather was beautiful and it started to feel like summer.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Earth Day: The Wasted Swap Tote Bag (Stowe Bag Hack)
Recently I took part in a swap put on by Jenelle from Trashn2tees. I was pushed to think outside the box and think differently about construction, materials and design.
Earth Day is looking at how we treat the environment. And what a better way than looking at the materials we use when constructing projects for sewing. This challenge was really looking at what we use and using materials that could be reused and recycled.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Friday 5: Easter, Baking and Earth Day
Another fun filled week has passed by. We accomplished so many things this week and got so much done. We started the week with Easter.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Friday Five: Fish, Playtime and Yoga
Another week whooshed past and we had lots of fun considering we were all sick with a virus. Finished a dress last weekend and when I was trying to get some photos Everett wanted to pose too! He's such a love.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Friday 5: Gonzaga, Backyard and Spring Fun!!
What a week!! It was just eventful with all of the northwest sports. Gonzaga made it to the final four for the first time and then they made it to the finals. It was just so awesome!!
Friday, March 31, 2017
Friday Five: Birthday Party with Grandparents, Travel and Greeting April
Friday, March 24, 2017
St. Patricks Day, Firsts and Birthday Fun!
Running late again with my posts but we are recovering from a time change, birthday parties and preparing for a trip north. Looks like our April is going to be jam packed with fun activities. Spring is in the air and lots of new and great things are happening.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Happy Birthday Miles Hudson
Happy Birthday our sweet boy!! This year has gone by so quickly but looking back you have accomplished so much in such a little amount of time. We are just so blessed to have you as a part of our family.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Friday Five: Summer Weather in March
Another week went by quickly, especially having Dad home. The weather was amazing and we were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Friday Five: Having Too Much Fun We Are Late!!
This week was fantastic!! Seems like a lot of things happened and time just flew by...so quickly that Friday was over and I totally forgot to post this blog. Friday we made an impromptu trip up to Fillmore where we were able to see a lot of the trains at the station. Everett's favorite is the caboose.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Shamrock Quilted Table Runner
It has been nearly five years since I've seriously quilted. It is really a sad story that has been pushed down deep in hopes that I forget about it and never try to go back.
st Patricks day,
table runner
Friday, February 24, 2017
Friday Five: Amtrak and Boys who Drive
What a wonderful week we had! Both boys had so much fun. Miles's personality is really blooming and he is really showing us what a funny and fearless little guy that he is.
Friday, February 17, 2017
Friday Five: Valentine's Day
It was the week of love! Valentine's Day was early in the week but we seemed to have fun for the entire week. Lots of cookies, trains, mud and sunshine.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Friday Five: Disneyland!!
This week went incredibly fast and was a lot of catching up because we began the week with a trip to Disneyland.
Friday 5,
Friday, February 3, 2017
Friday Five: E&M Train, Bread Making and Chatting
I think this is the fourth week of Friday Five for 2017 and that is a great start. We made it through January and I'm hopeful to keep this going.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Friday Five: Rice, Cookies and Climbing
The rain stopped and we were able to get out and have some play time outside. It was so much fun to watch Miles getting used to walking in shoes.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Friday Five: Trains, Trains and more Trains! Choo Choo
We started the week with our little guy turning 10 months. It has gone by so incredibly fast. He's walking solo 95% of the time, he loves to follow his brother everywhere, he just started saying "oh wow" and he's just has a fearless personality.
Friday, January 13, 2017
New Adventures: First Friday 5 of 2017
This year I am going to try to keep up with updating each week, in the same way that I did in the past with a Friday five. Time is flying by and recently we almost lost all of our photos, so I thought it would be a good idea to keep my blog updated with photos, so that not all is lost and we would have the dates they were taken. Hubs said it would be good for the boys to look back on too.
This last week we went to a place called Reyes Creek, it was a bit of a drive but it was beautiful. It was a wooded area and it had a creek that was full from all the rain we've been having lately.
Friday, January 6, 2017
Hello 2017!
It all started when my husband got me two new Le Creuset pans for Christmas. It reignited a love for cooking which lead to this amazing meal that I made. Some asked for the recipe so what seemed easiest was to share it on a blog page.
baby boy,
kid crafts,
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