Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday 5: Star Wars, Zoo and Park Fun

May the Force be with you this week because it was with us. We had an outdoor week where we spent lots of time outside exploring new places and things. 

We visited three parks this week. One of them was on the beach next to the ocean. They had a huge pirate ship that the boys just loved climbing on and exploring. Miles is getting really good at kicking a ball. 

Everett discovered my glitter stash this week. There is gold glitter everywhere!! I tried to clean it up but it has migrated throughout the house. 

This week I thought that I would take the boys to the Santa Barbara zoo by myself. We had not been there mostly because I just didn't feel like they would enjoy it when they were younger. But it was May the fourth and they had some activities so I thought what better time than to go. 

It was a beautiful day, we got early entry passes so we were able to see the big exhibits basically by ourselves. The gorilla was right up near the window and the lion was growling, really spectacular. The giraffes were probably my favorite, Everett's favorite was the train that took you on a tour of the zoo, Miles just loved eating snacks all day. 

We will have to go back with Dad because we missed the elephants (*they were working on their space),the snow leopard named Everett and with Dad's help I think we could feed the giraffes. It was difficult taking the behemoth stroller in and out of the exhibits, but we had a blast and we can't wait to go back. 

Such a great week and today is Cinco de Mayo!! Wishing you a fantastic weekend!! And may the force be with you. 


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