What would the holidays be without decorating a gingerbread house? But all of that frosting and candy that kids want to eat and the mess it leaves when you are done. How about this year opting for a Gingerbread Playhouse that has no calories or sugar, but could create fun at anytime and can incorporate other toys.
What you need:
- 12x12x12 Square shipping box
- Extra piece of cardboard for roof
- Packing tape
- box knife/exact-o knife
- ruler
- Gingerbread Man Template
- Various sheets of Scrapbook paper
- Bag of cotton balls
- Glue
- Two pieces of felt for Gingerbread man with needle and thread
- Buttons for Gingerbread man

Take the box and fold the bottom of the box closed and tape securely. Leave the top of the box open, it should have four folding flaps.
On one of the folding flaps, find the center of the flap by measuring and making a mark at 6". Then from the 6"mark, draw lines to the corners, and cut off the outside pieces to create gables for the house. *I would have an adult cut the box to create the house.
Repeat on opposite side so that it should look like this (below).
This is where I took another box and cut it to create the roof, the piece measured 14"x24".

Then cut a big windows into each sides of the house.
This is why buying a 12x12x12 box is so beneficial, scrapbook paper easily fits on the box without measuring and cutting. I thought of using wrapping paper-although scrapbook paper is better quality and went on easily with glue. After gluing on each side, I used an exact-o knife to cut the windows open.
After gluing paper and cutting windows on the outside of the house. I repeated on the inside of the house.

*Depending on the child's age/ability they could also draw on the box instead of using paper. Or using foam shapes, glitter, etc.
Tape the roof onto the box from the inside using packing tape. (Gently putting a hand and arm through the door of the house and the windows). *I tried gluing, that just created a HUGE mess!
Then using glue and 100 ct. bag of cotton balls to create snow on the roof of the house. *Another option that I thought would be cute could be bows with the sticky backs or packing peanuts.

Even though I don't have children of my own to create something like this with. This was something that I enjoyed creating and would hope that someday I could do this with children of my own. I would love to see what you have created if you make your own Gingerbread house.
I entered this tutorial at the: