Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday's Treasures #4

I am a week behind. AAAHHH!

Alas, better late than never. Just have been so busy with projects that photos get taken and then I have to focus to put them together.  Literally have three blog post photos ready, I just have to sit and edit. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Trash to Treasure: Tool Box Planter

I think I have mentioned in previous blog posts that I don't have a green thumb. My goal this summer is to be rid of my "Plant Hospice" status and become a gardener or just have flowers other than mint, rosemary and geraniums (these plants have survived my wrath in the past). 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

From Pallet to Distressed Beach Life Sign

Pallets, they sit in my garage for a fair amount of time. And then one day I go out and just start painting and VIOLA!!! 

Distressed Beach Sign!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday's Treasures #3

My father and I (top: Age 3, bottom: current)

Gosh, I know we just had Mother's Day but this weeks treasure was completely a purchase that only my father's daughter would make. 

 I was born and raised in a hardware store. My father owned a Tru Value hardware store for years, so my brother and I have an extensive knowledge on lots of hardware stuff. 

Not to mention my dad is an excellent craftsman, so let's just say this runs in my blood. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Shrimp Tacos with Lime Slaw

My mom and I trade magazines through the mail. So every month or so I get a box of new magazines where she goes through and writes notes for me on sticky notes, essentially it's as if we are looking at the magazine together. 

Sticky notes include "I love this nail color" and "this outfit is hideous" also, "This reminds me of you." It really is so much fun. I do the same thing, although I send her copies of Real Simple and Country Living. 

My mom is a smart lady, she has started to send me cooking magazines that include notes like "This looks yummy" and "doesn't this sound good." Subliminally telling me to make these dishes. 

Well it worked. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Green Garden Chair

 Let's just say this was the best five dollars that I have ever spent. 

This chair has been featured once before last fall, Harvest Burlap Chair.  It went from white to brown and now it has become a green garden chair. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday's Treasures #2

 Well I had so much fun last week showing off my loot that this week was rather exciting taking photos of everything. 

And really there are some other bigger pieces that I bought but just wasn't ready to show off yet, mostly because I started painting them and will have to show you later. Such as a 1920's clothing drying rack and an old tool box. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Author Interview: Melody Nunez "An Altered Existence: Fictitious Stories About Faces from the Past"

Being a book worm from an early age, I just love to read. So when my friend fulfilled her dream of publishing her book I was completely thrilled. Okay, I know what you are thinking...she's your friend, you have to love it. 

But I do love this book and I'm not the only one. Reviews boast "Romantic, spooky, quirky, sweet, creepy...there's a little of everything in these stories, something for everyone to enjoy." You find out for yourself by purchasing her book through Amazon HERE