Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Trash to Treasure: Tool Box Planter

I think I have mentioned in previous blog posts that I don't have a green thumb. My goal this summer is to be rid of my "Plant Hospice" status and become a gardener or just have flowers other than mint, rosemary and geraniums (these plants have survived my wrath in the past). 

So this year I tried not to spend lots of money because even though I am putting more effort into maintenance I didn't want to be throwing money away with buying new planters and plants. 

The original plan was to fill this with succulents, but didn't want to pay lots of money for plants that I may potentially kill in 30 days (not intentionally of course)!

This beat up tool box was perfect for creating a fun planter. Can you believe I bought it in this condition, a whooping $3.00! 

I painted the outside and inside the lid using Chalk Paint, decorative paint by Annie Sloan in Antibes Green. I cut out lettering to make a stencil to create the wording:
"I will survive"
Fitting because I have the best of hopes for these plants. 

*Note: When using Chalk Paint for outdoor projects, it is best not to use any wax. 

Drilled holes in the bottom for drainage and filled with rock and potting soil (the moisture control kind of potting soil, still learning on what an effective water schedule is).  I planted an assortment of flowers that would be hearty and last long. 

Rather than having it just sit on the ground I place it on a little school chair that I had out on my patio. It really turned out adorable. 

I am hoping with the positive plant mantra of "I will survive" my plants will last past June this year. Here's hoping to a very plentiful and bountiful growing season. 


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