Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday Five: Summer Weather in March

Another week went by quickly, especially having Dad home. The weather was amazing and we were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine. 

Lance was able to put to baby seats on his bike so that he could take both boys on bike rides. We had to get Miles a helmet. So now Lance rides his bike with the help of two droids. 

The weather has warmed up to the mid 70s. Our pool isn't warm enough to go swimming in but I did get a baby wading pool for the boys to have fun in. This pool came with a necklace for a "Pool Watcher" and instructions on how to set it up (I've never seen that before on a plastic pool.)

Lance used the last of his baby bonding time, he had to use it before Miles turns one. So we were able to get a lot of projects done around the house. One of them was putting a ceiling fan in the playroom. The boys absolutely loved the ladder. Miles was fearless in climbing up, he wanted to go as far as his little legs would take him. 

We also did some fun fine motor activities. Everett loves fine motor play, he gets so focused and determined to put the beads on the pipe cleaners. He really enjoyed it. Miles worked on putting milk caps in a plastic tub. Both ideas I found on an early learning website ( 

Last thing, I was able to make some new shirts this week with Lance being home to watch the boys. It was so nice to get back to my sewing machines and start and finish a project. 

Which leads me to our "Date-Anniversary" that was this week. 10 years ago I went on a double date with Lance, his brother and his girlfriend to dinner and a hockey game. The photo above is from my second half marathon in May 2007, we both graduated that month. Lance has been to all of my races, with the exception of my first in 2006. Pretty amazing...all those miles and he's been right there. 

We have a big week coming up, its bittersweet and exciting. Miles will be turning ONE!!! Can't wait to share some photos over his first year. 

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend. 


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