Monday, January 19, 2015

Friday Five: Better Late than Never

Another week of Friday Five, better late than never. I didn't want to miss last week but I had computer problems and was finally able to get back to normal.  As always, join the fun and link up with Emmymom2. 

Five Thoughts:

1. I started running this week. It was tough but the first week is always a fantasy, you are so excited and you can't wait to go out again...until the muscles start hurting and by week two you want to just sit on the couch and watch movies. I've had to "start all over" many times with running, it never gets easier. 

2. I've been sewing some more and this week I was successful in getting the lil' man to play in the sewing room while I work. That meant I was able to get lots done. Someone asked me if I miss the time I used to have to sew, in reality I think having limited time has made my projects more focused and I complete them a lot faster. I don't feel like I am losing time, just utilizing it better. 

3. We did lil' man's 6 month photos this week with Emily Kathryn Photography. This was our second photo shoot and the hubby was able to come with and participate in the craziness it is to photo a baby. I can't wait to share the amazing photos with you, he did so well and Emily's photos are just amazing and absolutely gorgeous.  

4. I planned on preparing a big barbecue meal for the football game this Sunday. I am trying two new barbecue rib recipes, one from the pinterest: Slow Cooker Honey Maple BBQ Ribs and the other my father's recipe. Everything turned out wonderful, both recipes I will add to my dinner list. 

5. Seahawks would have been playing on Sunday but since it is Monday and I already know the outcome I am thrilled that my team is going to the Super Bowl for the second year in a row. Make sure you check out my Seahawks Pom Pom Wreath

5 Photos: 
Photo credit to EmilyKathrynPhotography on Instagram and Facebook.

Going for a run isn't mommy being selfish, it's mommy being AWESOME!!

Sewing project this week was turning a regular onesie into a baby cardigan for lil'man's photo shoot. 

After the Seahawks win in overtime, we were HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!

He likes Mom's Seahawks slippers.

Until next week, I hope to actually post on Friday!!


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