The Farm Chicks Show in Spokane, Washington

After almost four weeks of being up north, I am home and finally got around to posting all these photos on my blog. So, towards the end of my trip my mom and I spend the day walking around the Farm Chicks Antique Fair. My mom had not been to something quite like this but she sure enjoyed it. I took my cart with me and it worked great because mom pushed people out of the way (she said it was like Costco). There were a lot of cool ideas and met some vendors who are also on

These are some of the cute things we saw. We also waited in line so that we could meet the Farm Chick herself, Serena. We walked away with a boar oar, retro bread box, buttons, kitchen stuff and only ONE vintage tablecloth and NO SUITCASES. (I always want to get tablecloths and suitcases).
My mom's dog Sugar Pie just loved the Suitcase Pet Bed that I had made. She is looking comfy. Down below you can see the whole dog pack. From the left is Atticus, Sugar Pie, Audrey, Bucko and Mejia.
While scrapbooking, Mejia had to get in the picture. |
Also had to bring my dogs to my mom's first grade classroom so that they could meet everyone. Mom also had to show off her GrandDogs around her school. They sure had fun.
The Cunningham Crew
Our nephew Dylan and Lance with the famous Cunningham Crack. |
My love and I, he got his mom's truck working. I even got to go for a ride. |
Okay, from the left: Jennifer and Brandon, Lance and I, my mother in law Trudy and Step Father in Law Don, Dustin with above Taralynn and Dylan, Kortnie and her daughter Heaven and Andrew. |
My Cousin Nick and Barbara's Wedding
Mom and I looking FABULOUS! |
My brother and his date, Craig, having WAY to much fun. |
This is my brother, mom and me. |
If you go to San Francisco...
Jennifer and I had lunch where we could watch the seals...very entertaining. |
We waited awhile to ride the trolley around town. Lots of Fun. |
What a cutie. |
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