
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Friday Five: Memorial Day, Records and Running

With things being so busy lately, it would seem that doing Friday Five will be every two weeks, I know this stinks but it is rather difficult finding the time to sit at the computer with everything we have had going on. But I am still going to keep it up, please join in the fun with Emmymom2 and her weekly linky party. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Memorial Day Fresh Berry Cobbler

The first time I made this I used just blackberries, then I switched it up to just raspberries and now this third time I've thrown all the berries in the bowl. This dish is super easy and so delicious. Perfect for a dessert dish for that Memorial Day picnic or barbecue. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Friday Five: Comic Book, May The Fourth, Disneyland and Rain

Bear with me, this is two weeks of news, however, it has been an AMAZING two weeks!! So much awesomeness to tell you about. Make sure you join the fun and link up to Emmymom2 for Friday Five. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Disneyland Tinkerbell Half Marathon, Mother's Day 2015

If you have followed me through my running journey, you know that I have had to start over many times. Persistence is my mantra now. This was my 9th Half Marathon, not my fastest but it didn't was my First Mother's Day, I was running through the happiest place on Earth and I was doing it with great friends.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday 5: Crazy Week Ending at 10 Months

It is that time again for Friday five, my five thoughts and five photos for the week. And this week started horrible and ended fantastic. Please join the fun at Emmymom2 with her linky party.